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Privacy Policy

At isaimini, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. However, we do not collect any personal information from our users. We do not require any personal data such as names, emails, or contact information to access our content.

1. No Collection of Personal Information

We do not collect or store any personal data. Your activity on isaimini is completely private and non-tracking.

2. No Social Media Sharing

isaimini does not engage in selling, sharing, or posting user data on social media platforms. We do not encourage or promote any social sharing.

3. Use of Third-Party Ads

isaimini may display third-party advertisements. We are not responsible for the content of these ads or any data that may be collected by third-party advertisers. Clicking on ads is at your own risk.

4. Cookies

We use cookies to enhance user experience and display relevant ads. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser settings if you wish.

5. All Activity at Your Own Risk

All actions taken on isaimini, including downloads, are entirely at your own risk. We do not force users to download or interact with any content.

6. Contact Us

If you have any concerns regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at contact page.

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Privacy Policy